Zebediah Rice - Serena System and King River Capital

Zebediah Rice is a unique and highly accomplished investor and human. His most recent business change vehicle is King River Capital based out of Sidney Australia. However, Zebediah is not just a business man, he’s also a philosopher, deep thinker, great teacher and athlete. He shares some of his wisdom at www.serenasystem.com where you can find meditations, insights, and regular updates.

It is exciting to have some investors in the podcast mix to better understand how a community of humans evolve an idea into a reality, and how that synergy benefits all involved. In startup-world these people are financiers, business founders, and customers. Of course, there are many other ways to slice and dice the community of contributors. Tell me your mix!

In this podcast episode our topics range from what it means to invest millions in clean tech companies, how the deal-flow works for VCs and what their perspectives are in the ecology of business making. Zebediah shares some personal experiences with health, helpful tips on what a high achiever does when faced with big challenges, and how these challenges bring learnings we can share with others.

I really enjoyed our talk from August 2018 and hope you do as well.

In Health. - Zander