Weekly Review
(A Happiness Programming Tool)
The weekly review helps us:
Obtain and sustain more positive emotions
Program our character to seek more joy
Review what’s working
Review what’s needing adjustment
The format is very simple:
Review the positive impacts, negative impacts, and what we’re feeling for:
Last week
Next week
Many people get caught up in ‘reactive’ activities thru the week. When prolonged this leads to a ‘reactive’ life. Unexamined, less interesting, and less full of joy.
Our whole system achieve better congruence and more joy by taking a few hours in the week to review:
where we are
where we want to go
Reviewing Weekly Lets us have:
Less worry about the future.
Less doubt that our actions are correct.
More certainty that our actions are correct.
More powerful actions.
More positive outcomes from our experiences.
Clarity of our objectives and why.
Minds and character in harmony with our actions.
Maintenance of our integrity and congruence of Body/Mind/Spirit.
Better rest and enjoyment of ‘down-time.’