The Wisdom Circle
The Wisdom Circle is a gathering. We are a close-knit group of 8 men.
We are supported by each other every two weeks. We are welcoming and understanding. We grow emotionally and spiritually so that we may benefit ourselves, those we love, and our greater community.
The Wisdom Circle is non-hierarchical. This means we all show up voluntarily as equals. Leadership rotates around the circle every other meeting. There are no membership dues.
The Wisdom Circle is limited to 8 men. This provides a safe close-knit container to share our deeper feelings in confidence. This is a new circle of men, and so membership will fluctuate until it stabilizes with a cohesive group.
Other circles have been life-long. Many men find deep friendships that are nourishing and supportive beyond the context of the group.
If you’re receiving this invitation it is because I, Zander, invited you, or one of the men in our group has left, and we collectively have evaluated your nomination and wish to invite you to join.
Guiding Principles
Willingness to ‘not be right’
Being open to new ideas
Ability to listen
Using ‘I’ Statements
Desire for something deeper in life.
What: A group meeting of supportive men
Why: Because we thrive more with support and connection
Who: You and 7 other similar men
When: Every two weeks for 1.5 hours. Time TBD, right now Scheduled Weds 8-9:30 am.
How: Online Video to start.
Do you relate to any of these stories?
Kevin was having trouble with is relationship. He kept getting frustrated at his wife because she was having a hard time getting over her depression, and it was beginning to affect their kids, his relationship, their finances and health.
The Circle helped Kevin see that he wasn’t the only one who could help his wife. In fact, he couldn’t help her. They guided him to direct her find support in her community, and helped steer Kevin into a vibrant relationship with his wife again that improved their sex-life, health, kids relationships and overall wellbeing.
Johnny was not happy with his work-life balance. When he was younger working 100 hour weeks was the norm, and he loved the high of working long hours, getting things done. After his 2nd child he started to slow down, and he wanted to spend more time with the family. Yet, the demands of work didn’t change.
With the help of his circle of men, Johnny realized he really was over his job and part of why he was working so hard was to be a ‘provider’. One of the men in the group introduced him to an incredible new company that valued work-life balance and Johnny’s expertise even more. He made more money and worked fewer hours. Johnny works a normal 45 hour week, and has plenty of time to spend with his family.
Jessie had made it. He had earned more income than he could have imagined or ever needed. He had 3 houses, was happy with his 3rd wife, could buy any car he wanted or travel anywhere in the world. He loved the intense demands of his work in finance.However, there was something missing in his life. An emptiness he couldn’t put his finger on. It was like one day the lights started dimming, the excitement just started becoming muted, like someone turned down the volume on the TV.
His group of men helped Johnny find art. Johny took up metal sculpting 2 days a week and realized he loved using his hands to build things. The volume turned back up. Sex got better, and he showcased and sold his sculptures in modern art galleries.
These stories are fictional, but they highlight some of the ways men working together can really impact each other. It’s in our Tribal DNA to hunt together. The circle is powerful.
Romantic relationships
Skillful use of emotions
Health: Body, Mind & Spirit
Work & career
Feeling Happier: You will be able to talk through ‘it’ with other men who know what it’s like.
Save time & energy: Someone in our group has already done it. Just ask and we will support.
Take the weight off your shoulders: What’s more awesome than sharing your challenges with a select group of amazing dudes?
See more success: Successful men will guide you and offer advice.
A better parent and partner: Your family and romantic relationship(s) will benefit.
Life-long friendships: Our members have your back.
Motivation: Being around other accomplished, inspired men is highly motivating.
More emotionally intelligent: You will learn more about your emotions and how to be skillful with them.
Meaning: Being in purposeful community is a supercharger for your health.
Operational Guidelines
Our Wisdom Circle operational guidelines will evolve as the circle evolves. Here is a set to get us started, though we will modify them to a virtual platform to start.
Ready? Set? Go.
Contact Zander to get going. He will add you to the meeting invitation. (Ask for his email via the contact form and reference the ‘Circle’. This is a no-cost service)